Friday 16 August 2013


Guess who's back back back,Back,Tell your friends Ladybaker19 back again with another sizzling post,This isnt a beauty blog or a fashion blog or whatsoever am going to get real on a serious issue that I feel has affected girls,ladies and women.

So from the title of this blog you probably guessed am going to talk about Myself which is Correct,I had this discussion with a very very close friend yesterday and I realised mmmh... this is worth sharing on my blog. At the end of the day it all comes back to confidence and self- esteem....

It's taking a lot of courage to blog about this and am going to try and keep it as short and sweet as possible and if it's long ah well happy reading.... 

So am going to tell you a little story about myself on this confidence and self esteem issue.

Three years ago(I was 18,young and Naive),I met this guy and things kicked off ,the feeling was mutual at the time,we went on a couple of dates blah blah blah y'oll know how the story goes but the relationship between us had no title and I asked him to define the relationship,He replied me with "lets just see how it goes" So i was like OK I can work with that cause I wanted to study him and know if he is my kinda person,which he was,loving,caring and quite charming and a church boy too LOL....So things were good for a couple of months,I didn't fall in love there and then because I didn't know what love is or what it consisted off I just hear it and see it in the movies but yes following that summer we Met I had to go to Spain to Study for one year which meant we wont see each other and stuff but I always visited home occasionally during that year and we met for the odd coffee,Chinese and cinema outing which was when I began to actually Fall in Love with the guy - bear in mind we were still on the "Lets just see how it goes" So one year passed and I was about to turn 20 and I returned back to Ireland and I demanded I wanted to know where the relationship is going....Like one Year is MORE THAN enough to evaluate each other.,Then he replied and said "I like you a lot,You are a nice girl,a wifey material.....but you need to change your appearance,You're not fashionable,You don't wear make-up in a glowing manner,I don't like when a girl wear tracksuit and hoody,You don't look like your age you look like a woman,don't you see the way your friends(He gave a couple of names) dress and carry themselves,That's what I Want you to do,You need to dress more sexy,more attractive" and the list went on.

To be honest when he said it I didn't feel offended or upset,I looked back and reflected on what he said that- maybe their is an ounce of truth in what he said,OK back then I wasn't a fashion freak,I cared less of what I wore but I looked presentable,I wasn't a crazy fan of make-up then,I was just simple. So I decided to do what HE wanted me to do,I revamped my wardrobe totally,started watching a lot of YouTube videos on beauty and make-up for beginners and Yes I started to look attractive as Guys were more interested in me and stuff yano.

To cut the whole long story short ,At the end of the day after all my effort to please the guy,I didn't get my fairy tale ending as I realised the guy had been wasting my Time all along,So after I think two and a half years  we decided to part ways but I didn't leave empty handed...You know why???

I discovered myself at the end of the day,Positivity came out of it....Here I today, A make-up freak and a fashion obsessed girl, which is what I love and I find pleasure doing,I find happiness in it, I find peace when am sitting down here and blogging away for you guys to read, I didn't get my fairly tale ending but I Discovered myself in many ways than one .

I just want to pull out the confidence and Self esteem issue from My story,First of all if you are reading this and you are in a similar situation,My dear don't change your self or who you are for a guy....especially when he is not ready to define the relationship.

Secondly Confidence is still an issue I still struggle with,Its not an easy process to combat but You just need to believe in yourself to gain SELF confidence and pay attention to yourself, Do not pay attention to what people say about you or their negative OPINION because its not going to get you any were rather it only just to upset you,the saying that goes "If nobody talks about you,then you are no body" is true because people are quite full of negativity so try and deviate from those type of people and surround ourself with people who can encourage you to  build yourself.

To round off this post You have to build on Self esteem as this interlock with confidence because it reflects your overall emotions to your own worth.

Today am stronger,wiser and still working on building more self confidence and esteem.I am happier than I have ever been and I thank God for all these.

Let me know if you want me to blog more about my Life Lessons/Stories

Please share your views and Opinion down below so we can  ALL relate.

Until Next Time,




Sisi Yemmie said...

WOW! I love this... no experience might be 100% bad... you certainly learn from it. Im glad you came out of it on a positive note.... thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

yesso sis experience is thebest teacher....and i learnt a lot for it and I can gladly share my story for people to read...and you are welcome :)