Wednesday 24 July 2013

❤ Theory of Highlighting and Contouring!!! ❤

Hello beautiful people,

So basically this blog is going to be all about highlighting and Contouring,I have mentioned these to a few people and they are absolutely clueless about what these terms mean so I decided to blog about it to give you a general over view its actual meaning and main purpose generally.

Highlighting and contouring the face during make-up application is a great way to bring out your best features of your face you may not normally achieve when you apply ordinary foundation.

Am sure most of us see some celebrity and are amazed by how their face is so defined and con-caved...hold up!!! that not natural its just in the power of what I call HIGHLIGHTING AND CONTOURING...

To highlight your face you can decide to use a foundation or concealer its your preference but you always highlight with a foundation that's one or two shades lighter than your normal foundation.To contour you use a shade or two darker than you normal foundation or alternatively buy a face and contour kit.

For beginners I would advise that you purchase the Face contour kit and work your way from there.

I remember when I started to highlight and contour which was like four month ago...oh my goodness It was such a mess but thinking back on it I can just laugh and Thank God for my life,like they say there is a first time for everything and you can only get better at practising.Okay time for me to stop rambling on and tell you the techniques of how to highlight and Contour

For now here is the basis you need to know about contouring and highlighting
  • What is contouring and highlighting?

 From an artist's perspective, contouring is just a form of shading, or adding DEPTH. This is why you contour areas that you want to look concave (go inward), like the lower part of the cheekbones. These deeper shadows can change the curvature of the face, add dimension, and can even transform a face completely! Think about it: a 3-dimensional object is defined by how light falls on it. Highlighting does the opposite of contouring, it makes objects appear convex (go outward). It can also make the face look lifted and youthful. 

  •  How to choose a highlighter
Opposite your contour shade, you have many options for highlighters. A natural highlighter will be semi-matte or luminescent and will be just LIGHTER and WARMER than your skin tone. Marilyn Monroe was known to wear solid white powder as a highlighter, and today's celebs use luminescent golds and pinks - the sky is the limit. 

  •  Where to PLACE your contours and highlights
Every face is different! I don't highlight and contour everyday,I only do so when I am going on a night out or attending events etc.. Try not to contour features that are already strong! 

  • What products can you use to contour and highlight with? 

I use cream foundations - but Sometimes I powder products.I normally use a darker and cooler foundation shade to contour, and a warm golden foundation shade to highlight. If you can't find a good foundation shade to contour with, you can always mix your own! Mixing a little black pigment into a foundation will darken it and cool it down.

  • How to Choose your Contour Shade.

As a general Rule,you want your contour shade to be DARKER and COOLER than your skin tone.Because contouring is just a fancy way of creating shadows,You want to mimic the cool Gray colour that a shadow casts over he skin.This is why contouring products looks drab and dark - also why bronzer's make such a terrible Contour Colours. Bronzer warm the Skin- We want to cool it down!! The big question here is can you contour with a bronzer??YES- but it will be much more apparent and can even make the skin look dirty.

The picture below How Kim Kardashian highlights and Contours:

Thank you for reading my blog, feel free to leave your comments down below on any ideas,questions or suggestion that you may have.

"Music heard so deeply that its not heard at all but you are the music while the music lasts"

Until Next Time,

Lady Baker


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