Monday 17 February 2014



I purchased these Sandals about two weeks ago from ASOS, You can find it HERE....I already Sighted these pair of fabulous sandals on the website during the Christmas/January Sales But I wasn't really motivated to purchase it Until I saw it on Shirley B. Eniang Facebook, She purchased and Wore it on her birthday and I saw how glamorous it looked on her feet, I had no Choice Than to Purchase it.

Shipping and Processing took roughly about four days and I received it prior to my departure to Nigeria and I must say these Heels are just perfect!!! I Like it because the heel Height is just 4 Inches and being a tall girl of 5"8,It made absolute sense but then again I love it because it’s so comfortable despite the thin strap its super duper comfy and the Metal Trim with Spikes Made these Shoes Stand out, so matter what Outfit you intend to wear, These sandals would definitely be perfect to glam up your outfit.

Until Next Time,



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