Sunday 13 October 2013


Very Excited to be nominated for this awards,Thanks to Alice Rosie Allsop,thanks chick,You all should check out her blog Here,She is such an amazing chick and her post are fun and enjoyable to read x
I didnt know I was nominated by her at first until i got a tweet from her and I felt so honored to be nominated by her, (Who knew blogging could be so much fun when I started a few months ago)

So here Are my Random Facts:

1. I love Family guy,Such a popular TV show of mine That i could watch it all day and night rolling on the floor with excitement,Hence the tee shirt in the picture below such a huge huge FAN

stewie says HIIII

2. My Male Celebrity Crush of all Time is Trey Songz but i call him trey baby he is simply drop dead handsome

3. I am a christian and I love God,I wont be where i am without him today and my two Favorite Verses in the bible is "I am the Way the truth and the Life no one else comes to the father except through him" and the Second verse is "Ask and you shall Receive,Seek and You will Find,Knock and the Door will be opened unto you" 

4. When I was 16 I had my Appendix taken out ( it was seriously Painful)

5. I am a Marketing Graduate and I am having My graduation ceremony very soon,I am totally excited about the ceremony,I get to throw my hat into the Air like i have always seen in movies. 

6. I LOVE FOOD! as in i am such a foodie,If you follow me on instagram you will know that by now;I like anything edible from food to snacks and Chocolates, So far it tastes & Looks good and definitely edible am down for putting it in my mouth

7.  I am a Makeup and Fashion Junkie/Addict/Obsessed.I also love PINK!!!

And here are my 7 nominations

Please Dont Forget to Nominate me in the NBA awards Full details can be found Here so please click on the Link and follow the FULL instructions.THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!!

Until Next time



1 comment:

Unknown said...

really enjoyed your post. loved they way you illustrated with pictures. you have sure a cute smile.