Wednesday 19 June 2013

Facial Products

Hey guys:)

I am going to be sharing the facial products i use for my face and i would highly recommend these products to all the ladies out there,they are tots awesome!!.

First of all I know a lot of Africans out there use a lot of African products on their face which really isnt good as it contains harsh and strong chemicals such as hydroquoinne; that been said I am NOT saying you should not use these products but all the same I am going to tell you about some a few products that's excellent for all skin types and you won't regret it.

To have or to get that perfect flawless Face here are a few tips:

First of all cut down on oily food most especially nuts,they are sooo bad for your face, because most people tend to break out  and then they squirt the spot or pimples which then leaves a scar.

Secondly try and avoid wearing foundation frequently as these block/closes your pores,i wear a lot of makeup but not everyday.That been said you have to use the right foundation for your face products such as mac,Revlon, inglot are excellent for the face,I would advise anyone using marykay foundation to desist from it as its quite oily and very very bad for your skin regardless.

Thirdly get microdermabrasion done at least once a month from a good beauty spa around you,This helps a lot as they dead skin cells from your face are completely peeled off from your face leaving your face feeling smooth like a baby bum!!

So here are the Lists of  products i use well mostly everyday for my face and am sure it would help you too...

1. Clearasil daily clear vitamins and extracts scrub
2. Olay essentials refreshing toner
3. Palmers Cocoa Butter formula with vitamin E daily Cleansing Gel
4. Neutrogena transparent facial Bar.

                                       Clearasil daily clear vitamins and extracts scrub

I use this scrub once a week preferably Sundays this scrub acts as an exfoliator as well and it removes the dead skin cells from the skin which prevents bacteria from feeding on causing spots and acne's.  Exfoliators has some tiny beads so be careful when you are massaging this on your face so you don't scar your face unnecessarily that's why I only use  it once a week or twice depending on your skin type as well but not more than thrice a week regardless of whats written on the product.This product helps to maintain clear skin,using a balance of effectiveness cleansing and kind to the skin,it contains vitamin E and Avocado extracts known for their skin nourishing properties,pomegranate fruit extracts which is an anti oxidant known to help and keep skin healthy.I purchased this product in a pharmacy.This scrub is perfect for all skin types

                                             OLAY Essentials Refreshing Toner

Ever since i started wearing makeup frequently this summer,i started using this toner and so far so good it has been awesome i use it daily both in the morning before i apply my makeup and before i go to bed at night.This toner is alcohol free and contains extracts of cucumber and aloe which lifts away the traces of dirt of makeup which revitalizes the skin without drying. After applying the toner on my face with cotton wool I rarely moisturize my face especially at nights because it leaves my face matte,I have an oily skin and when i wake up in the morning my face still matte after using this product.I purchased this product at Boots.This Toner is perfect for both normal/dry and combination skin types.

                       Palmers Cocoa Butter formula with vitamin E daily Cleansing Gel

This is my all time favorite facial product,this cleansing gel removes dirt and oil especially from my make up and it tones and clarifies my skin.I use this everyday....its absolutely amazing.....its also good for people with sensitive skin and it contains aloe Vera, pep-tides and vitamin E.....This foaming gel lifts away dirt and Makeup without leaving the skin feeling dry tight or stripped.Its suitable for all skin types and i highly recommend this product,it very good for those who wear makeup on a daily basis as it eradicates all traces of makeup leaving your face feeling soft and smooth.I purchased it in a pharmacy.

                                              Neutrogena Transparent Facial Bar.

This is another highly recommended product that is perfect for neutralizing spot and pimples and also fades scars away from the face.I Started using this product in January and i can boldly say I SAW results....I tend to have the odd spot once in a while and pimples and i hate it when i have a scar on my face because i like to go as natural as i can; during the college period i hardly wear makeup to school so i like my face to be looking spotless, Neutrogena does the job I use this daily as well especially in the mornings, I use it as nights as well but not every night.There are two types of this bar soap the ones for normal/oily skin and another for dry skin so you can choose your preference.I purchased this at Boots.

Thank you for reading my blog :)

Have you got any more facial products and tips you would like to share??please leave a comment below:)

I leave you with a quote to meditate on

"If you cannot be the pen to write someone destiny/happiness then try being an eraser to erase their sadness."
Until next time

Lady Baker




omo_ibo said...

Great tips thanks

Unknown said...

u welcome:)

debdeb said...

Nicly written :D