Monday 17 June 2013


Hello beautiful people,

Happy new week....hope you all had a good weekend.

Today am going to talk about another topic for a change which is OBEDIENCE.
What is obedience???

Obedience is defined as:

  1. Compliance with someone's wishes or orders or acknowledgment of their authority.
  2. Submission to a law or rule. 

The bible especially has a lot to say about obedience but how do we apply it to our everyday lives?The general concept of obedience both in the new and old testament relates to hearing or hearkening to higher authority.To obey is also a sign of trust and respect.

I am going to keep this blog nice sweet and short.

Obeying our elders nowadays has gone awry especially among-st the teenagers and the youths of today.I as an individual,i have disobeyed my elders numerous times and i have paid for the consequences of my actions,But now i am now wiser than before,I have learnt that when two or three elders are advising me on a particular matter or issue,I tend to heed to what they are saying because they are my elders, they were in this world before me,they are more experienced than I am and I know they cannot lead me astray.

I decided to blog about topic after i read the blog on the late Dolapo GoodGod whose story has now gone viral.Her story is quite shocking as tears rolled down my cheeks when i read the letter she wrote before her demise.The moral of the story i want to pull out is that she was warned by her elders not to married this man but she persisted and the outcome was brutal.Countless numbers of times have I read and heard of people story's,who disobeyed their elders especially their parents and paid dearly for it,most of these disobedience's results in loss of life's, broken home,and other tragedy that could be averted if they only had OBEYED.

I am using this blog as a medium to express myself to others out there and to advise you all that being obedient has a long way to go and you should obey your elders no matter what the situation is.

My condolences goes out to the late Mrs dolapo family, May the Good lord give her family most especially her mother and her daughters the fortitude to bear this loss.
May her soul rest in gentle peace

I am going to leave you with a bible verse to mediate on: 1 Samuel 15:22
"To obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken than the fat of rams"

Until next time,

Lady baker

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