Wednesday 27 November 2013

BERRIES...They're Good for you!!!

Hi readers,

So have been gone for a week now and that's due to the fact that my laptop broke but its currently been fixed but am here with you today with a lifestyle post which i don't usually write about often but am working at it to become more consistent!!

So Berries are my all time favorites fruits and I tend to eat them a lot in the winter time,Not only because they are soft to chew as I have quite sensitive teeth but they are naturally high in anti-oxidant and dramatically reduce blood pressure!!!(How amazing is that)...blueberries has one of the highest antioxidant and are great for protecting heart disease and Cancers...Strawberries contain more Vitamin C than orange(Did you know that??) and are also the best cure for constipation as the high fiber content helps to improve our bowel function...Blackberries stimulate the the brain cells which is needed to help you get through that long hard day at College/Work improving balance,Co-ordination and Memory.Raspberries is great for the Joints which helps reduces inflammation,cartilage damage and bone loss as we grow older making it a promising treatment for arthritis.

There are a lot of ways I enjoy my Berries asides eating it raw,as I like to get all the nutrients I need into my body...The three fastest and quickest way I enjoy my berries are

  • Making a Smoothie

Strawberries, Raspberries and Milk ready to be blended together

I use a James Martin Blender on a Pulse Setting

Smoothies is Ready to be served!!!
  • With Cereal
I personally like whole-fat milk but you can opt for low fat milk and I use Honey as opposed to Sugar

Bran Flakes are Ideal as they Contain Wholegrain wheat and its Goodness


  • As a Snack

On its own...OR...

With natural or flavored Yoghurt

Berry Goodness...

And that is How I enjoy my Berry and all of its nutrients and Goodness.....How do you Enjoy Yours???

Leave a comment down below and let me know how you enjoy your berries and If you have more suggestions

Stay Beautiful



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Look yummie and taste! A must try