Wednesday 18 December 2013

ikatehouse - Eyelashes Haul

Hi Dolls,

It has been a moment I blogged and believe me I miss blogging for the past couple of days but as the Christmas season is upon us,I have been so busy with Work,It has been ridiculously busy and I am often tired and exhausted when I get home But tonight I got home to a lovely package and despite been tired and exhausted right now,I am quickly going to share with You all what I Purchased from this American Based company.

 Rant Over now and let me get right into it,I heard of ikatehouse from one of my Favorite Youtuber PEAKMILL back in april and I ordered from them back in may and was quite happy with what I purchased so last week I decided to order again from them after watching ROPO beauty haul from Ikatehouse where she talked about what she purchased from them which was Eyelashes so Immediately placed my order and Trust me that was one if my most spontaneous decision ever!!!

I placed the order in Thursday night and I received it today and I must say shipping was super fast especially during this busy Christmas season but my shipping was First class so I must say It was worth my money!!! In total I paid about approx $47 which is about €35 euros which I believe is worthwhile;Packaging was super cute as you can see from the picture;Although the con to this is that the shipping fee is a bit on the high side but the products are well worth it.

If you are seeking a reputable site to purchase majorly Eyelashes this is the Website for you;every type of eyelash company you can ever think of is available on that website including Kiss and Ardelle lashes;Although I ordered my LA girl pro-concealer,Eyelash Adhesive glue and an eye shadow pigment as well but this eyelashes are a Must have this holiday season especially the RED CHERRY lashes and who knows who you might be kissing under the Mistletoe.

Until next time,

Stay Fabulous,


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