Wednesday 26 February 2014

Survival Guide to Live in Lagos #1

As you may Know I relocated to Lagos,Nigeria about three weeks ago and I decided to share with you my Survival Tips and Tricks to living in Lagos.
Lagos is such an over crowded and overpopulated state compared to the rest of the 35 states left and to live here after been away for this country for over 10 years was such a huge adjustments but I have been back home several times for the two week holidays etc but its a different ball game when you decide to relocate here.So i share with you my 7 survival guide #1 and I hope you learn a thing or two from it !

1.       Know where you are Going and DONT answer anybody : This was the first rule/tip my boyfriend told me the second day I got to Lagos and we were about to head out,What general happens is that people in the area know that you are new to the vicinity and what they tend to do is to call out names like “heyy” “fine girl” “see fine skin” and all sorts just to catch your attention so you can respond and Give them that attention but If you want to live in Lagos trust me you don’t need those type of time wasters just keep on walking;So far you know where you are going u’d be fine.

2.       Curfew : In Lagos 8 p.m is considered late for a Lady to keep walking about the road because all sorts are happening in the country, So by 7.30 p.m you should be home unless if you have your personal car, there is a little safety in that but  still leave early to arrive early for your own safety

3.       Traffic – Rush hour in the morning is generally between the hours of 6-8 a.m and in the evening is from 5-7 p.m and trust me traffic can be so annoying, frustrating and exhausting, especially traffic on the third main-land bridge every day because Individuals who work on the Island but live on the Main land have to make their way back home.

4.      Spend WiselyJust because you have the money doesn't necessarily mean you have to spend it anyhow, You gatta optimize your spending especially if you are not working Yet!!As a freshie, food vendors(bread sellers e.t.c) and road side markets( pepper,meat and fish sellers etc) may want to extort you but hey Know how to price WELL WELL ,This is Lagos there are  no fixed cost on goods and services(excepts eatery and supermarkets) so you can like to price an item for 1200 to 500 Naira it takes skills and levels to do that but just optimize spending and cut down on your wants and save up for your needs, The last thing you want to happen is to be broke and end up going to relatives begging for money.

5.       Language: As a Nigerian You need to know/speak/converse in your tribal language, That is very important  because that will help you move around easily and interact with people more; that being said English is the first language of the country but some people don’t know how to speak /understand English SHOCKING!!!I  know right but knowing your tribal language is a huge advantage though, and please try and drop the accent when you around people you don’t know!!!

6.       Electricity/noise pollution; A huge factor that is making me dislike this country,On the mainland where i stay we are unfortunate to have little or no electricity at home;If you are living on the island consider yourself Lucky!! But I had a huge problem adjusting to the lack of electricity but i am adjusting as the days go by,In-fact as i am writing this post we aint got no electricity...urghhh which bring me to my next point NOISE POLLUTION omGGGG i have never heard so many noise in my life due to the Generators!!!Like i had trouble sleeping for about two weeks due to the noise from the generators!!! it was a nightmare so much noise, its crazy; every house owns a generator so Imagine when there is no electricity and every house hold turns on the generator at night.....its MENTAL!!!! So if you want to live in Lagos there aint no such thing as Peace and Quiet

7.       Trust in God: Finally Believe and trust in God because without him,You and I wont be where we are today!!!

Until Next Time,

Lady baker

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