Wednesday 22 October 2014


Hey Dolls,

I know I have been MIA for the longest time but i have been caught up with so many things but I have some new makeup products which I am going to review for the next weeks with you guys...So Stay Glued to  my Blog!

So today I have a Review from the Makeup Revolution London Brand, A lot of bloggers has been raving about them and how good they really are and apparently they keep dropping new products occassionally and I must Saw I am very Impressed with their products,I did order some other products from them but this stood out to me the most.In the U.k its available in Super drugs according to the posts I have read,But readily available Online for the rest of Europe and the Shipping fee ain't too bad.

This Baked blushes are Long lasting and can be compared to other high end blushers such as NARS, and MAC!...The Golden Lights can be compared to Nars Albatross and as for the peach Lights,I haven't seen a dupe for it yet but its a gorgeous highlighter with a lilac undertone and they are both long lasting throughout the day/Night!It was really difficult getting an exact swatch color of Peach Lights on my skin tone as it was appearing quite pale on camera but actually in real Life its really gorgeous and Its my favorite Go to highlighter

Price wise they cost 3 pounds Each!Like 3 pounds...If you are a budget friendly person when it comes to makeup...This is the BEST drugstore highlighter (In my opinion)

Golden Lights

Swatch Of Golden Light on my Skin Tone

Swatch of Peach Lights on My skin tone

    Until Next time


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