Friday 4 July 2014


The 6th day I got back from Nigeria..still got my spotless and natural glow face on 

A week and a half later...I woke up like This,Redhead,white heads,blackheads,You name it!!! Climate Change Reaction

After using Johnson baby soap and Shea butter for 2 weeks this was the Result,before i tried Neutrogena
From Left to Right -Major Improvement
My Current Situation!!!

Hey guys,

Thank God its Friday!!!Wishing you all a relaxing weekend ahead and to all my muslim bloggers and Readers out there Ramadan Kareem(Hope am not too late to say that) and Happy 4th of July to all my American Bloggers and Readers out there!
I have been away for the longest time and thats due to my new summer job which is quite demanding and consuming as well so am usually tired and asleep most of the time but thankfully I am off till Monday and I have so much to share with you guys Starting with this Post so Lets get Right into it!!

I got a climate change skin reaction when I got back to Ireland and Trust me guys it WASN'T pretty and it made me look so ugly and I was pretty upset "because everyone kept asking me what had happened to my face" and I stopped Filming on You-tube to avert those questions too.
I went to see the doctor and he just gave me some cream and advised me to use Johnson baby soap and my original Shea butter straight from Nigeria,That did clear up the reaction a bit but I was getting darker due to the Shea butter so a lady at work suggested I tried the Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit range,At first I discarded the idea but Instinct told me to try it so I walked into Boots pharmacy and fortunately they had the "3 for 2 offer" going on so I purchased it and it was the best Investment my Face ever had!

So let me get to the Nitty Gritty of this product:
These two products pretty much do the same thing which is "helps eliminate spots and blemish with a fresh clean feel" but there is a slight difference between the two,After using these products for the past two week I realized that the Daily Scrub removes all the dead skin both on my face and it's fading the scar away on my face gradually whilst brightening up my face bringing back my real complexion,Although it says daily but after using it for two weeks and I can clearly see results I would only use it maybe twice a week henceforth.
The Facial wash Smooth and soothes my skin after using the scrub ,It purifies my face getting rid of left over oil and dirt that the Scrub didn't lift off without over-drying my face BUT I would advise that you should follow up with a really good moisturizer.
I know I still have scars on my face but in time it would fade away and I can gladly tell you I walk out my door feeling so confident without the need to wear makeup due to this improvement and lately a lot of people has been asking me what I used and how much my face has improved within a month,This is it you guys its NEUTROGENA PINK GRAPEFRUIT WASH AND SCRUB


Really Inexpensive
Invigorating smell of freshness that last a couple of hours
The daily scrub is smooth hence no micro-beads
Easy to use
Does exactly what it was meant for
Clears and fade away my Scars


At the moment am just too in love with this product to discover a Con about it

To Conclude this post guys,I would like to say if you are suffering with breakouts after a climate change or just normal breakout in general and You are looking for an Inexpensive Product that wont break the bank,Hands-down invest in this product and You would definitely Thank me later

Until Next Time

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