Friday 18 April 2014



Finally got round to writing this post,I dunno why I have been putting it off for so long,Maybe because i thought i had so much to write about,Which I do But first of all if you dunno what the NYSC is all about check out my Previous post HERE,

First of all 1 wanna give a huge Shout-out to all the 2014 BATCH A Corp Members especially Platoon 6 and Room 11 Girls....we saw and we conquered!!!! HIP HIP HIP....Hurray !!!!

It was the most amazing three weeks of my life,I met a lot of people, My endurance Level was tested and damn I miss the good ol' bugel,Waking up at 4 a.m everyday was No joke,The first couple of days was exhausting...I wont lie the bed was not the most comfortable bed ever it was like sleeping on springs and the camp food...well i dunno how that tasted 'cus I always purchased my food from the Famous and Popular Maami Market....Hmmm Maami Market,I miss that place; everyone looked forward to chilling there in the evening...the music,atmosphere,nightlife was just phenomenal....This Part one is just the general aspect of my camp Experience,Part two would be an in-depth of all you need to know about Managing and Adapting to Camp Life,Applying for N.Y.S.C as a foreign trained graduate e.t.c

Lemme gist you of your typical daily routine in camp

4.30 am - Be out in the Parade ground in your all white outfit,Morning exercise and Drills take place till 7.30 a.m

7.30 a.m- 8.30 a.m - Shower and breakfast

9 a.m-2 p.m- SAED lectures out in the sun...Urghhh this was the most boring part of the day where people sleep off or simply sneak into maami market just to chill,Trust me it was very irritating and annoying

2 p.m - 4 p.m - Lunch,observe siestas if you do so wish,sports training for those representing their platoon in volleyball,football,athletics, and all other sports

4 p.m- 6.30 p.m - Evening drills....O.M.G my patience and my endurance skills was put to the test,Standing and marching under the sun,soldiers shouting at you and making "yanga" biko i just tell them oga no dey shout for my face u dey pour spit for ground....but seriously though those soldiers can stress your life out but I didn't let them Intimidate me,Rather we became friends at the end of the day

6.30 - Dinner time..This is the part where you go and chill at maami with your friends,enjoy the lovely music,suya, asun,small chops,enough drinks to go around too and of course dance! dance!! dance!!!

10 p.m - The Bugle starts to make noise,Its lights out!!!

That was our standard routine but on some during camp blast,camp concerts and other activities the routine is set to change.

N.Y.S.C was a whole new platform for me,I integrated with so many people of different cultures and races!!!I would totally do it again if i was given a chance too.....Stay Tuned for Part Two !!!!

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